CitectSCADA now provides you with an even more holistic picture of your process than before. Real-time data values and traceability are improved thanks to quality time-stamped data that uses tag extensions for all tags.
Changes can now be applied during production much faster via server-side online changes which eliminate the need to restart or interrupt the system. It also takes advantage of the enhanced data protection built into Microsoft Windows 7, helping you manage risk through enhanced security and control.
The new CitectSCADA release can now also help companies better meet their growing surveillance and remote monitoring and control requirements. The ability to closely monitor critical processes, high-value equipment and strategic production materials is now made easier by CitectSCADA's facility to view video feed from Pelco cameras directly on its SCADA screens.
Main features:
-Tag extensions providing rich data quality
-Server-side online changes (Alarm, Trend and Report servers)
-New templates, including resolutions to support widescreen LCD displays
-Reduced engineering through using metadata with graphics objects
-Microsoft Windows 7 support, including newly designed application icons
-System performance improvements
-Runtime-only installation support
-Seamless integration with Pelco cameras for effective security monitoring
-Process Analyst enhancement to access CitectHistorian data
-Security improvements
-New driver for tighter integration with Schneider Electric hardware via OFS